Hiring in a Candidate Heavy Market

One of the countless effects of the COVID-19 crisis has been a pendulum swing of the job market from candidate market to an employer market. As layoffs have increased, the amount of applicants per open role has doubled or even tripled. While this can seem like a blessing, it brings its own set of issues for hiring managers. 

Even as the pool of candidates increases significantly, so does the noise of underqualified and overqualified applicants. The filtering process is a difficult one in the best of conditions and in the chaos surrounding COVID-19, frenzied job hunting, and more difficult and lengthy interview process, it can be an enormous headache. Tightening AI resume filters may result in top talent falling through the cracks, while sifting through hundreds of unqualified resumes by hand wastes your team’s time and resources. 

Utilizing a recruiter allows you to take the pressure of vetting talent off your shoulders so you can be confident the resumes that make it to your desk are strong, qualified, and a culture fit. As more candidates hit the job market daily, recruiters’ relationships within the market are stronger than ever, and previously untouchable talent is ready to interview.

When you’re ready to streamline your hiring process, connect with ISG here.


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